Manage activities, which can be workshops, classes or events.

Manage Locations, which define the details of where you run your activities.

Manage a set of your standard prices as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.

Manage the set of standard messages which are automatically copied to each activity you create.

Manage a set of your standard questions as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.

Manage a set of your standard resource types as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.

Activities Found (10)


Templates & Defaults


Yoga Retreat 2023
Main Options



1. Titles

2. Description

3. Dates

4. Settings

4b. Custom Form

5. Ticket Prices


6. Questions


ShowHide Extra Prices


6a. Prices:


This Extra Prices With a verylongname

7a. Place Booked

7b. Event Reminder

7b. Payment Received

7c. Payment Due

8. Test Booking Form

9. Live Booking Form

Activity Tags (optional)





Place Booked

Payment Received

Payment Due

Payment Reminder

Payment Overdue

Payment Received

Joining Instructions


Just Before


Just After


Custom Emails:



Custom X


Other Emails:

Invoice Copy

Waiting List Added

Waiting List Place

{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{view_message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}}

Email Title

Email Content

Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

Message Shortcodes


Sender (values from Settings - Brand/Business)

[From First Name]

[From Last Name]

[From Email]

[Business Name]

[Business Address]

[Contact Details]

[Brand Name]


[First Name]


[Last Name]


[Full Name]

John Smith



[Mobile Phone]

123 456 789

[Other Phone]

789 567 123

[Contact Address]

43 High Street, Anytown, XZ8 7AA


Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list



e.g. Yoga Retreat


e.g. Yoga Retreat

[Activity Prefix]


[Clients Buy]


[Location Area]

e.g. Salisbury, England

[Location Name]

e.g. Waterworks Barn

[Location Description]

e.g. Waterworks Barn is in a beautiful countryside setting close to...

[Start Date]

e.g. 24th January

[Start Date Year]

e.g. 24th January 2022

[Start Day]

e.g. Monday

[When Activity Is]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[On Activity Date]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[On Event Date]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[Booking click here]

[Booking Click here]

[Booking CLICK HERE]


[Invoice Description]

e.g. Attendance at our "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith

[Invoice Details]

[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]

[Price Description]

e.g Early Bird Price

[Payment Methods]

[Invoice Address]

[Invoice Number]

[Invoice Amount]

e.g. £100.00

[Amount Outstanding]

e.g. £50.00

[Invoice Click here]

[Invoice click here]

[Invoice CLICK HERE]

[Payment Due Amount]

e.g. £50.00

[Payment Due Date]

e.g. 28 February

[Payment Click here]

[Payment click here]

[Payment CLICK HERE]


[Payment Amount]

e.g. £100.00

[Payment Date]

e.g. 28 February 2020

[Payment Method]

e.g. Card Payment

[Payment Number]

e.g. 1234

[Payment For]

e.g. Attendance at "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith

[Paid By]

e.g. John Smith (Johnny)

[Invoice Details]

[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]


[Accommodation Response]

e.g. Double Room

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Prices
Price Templates

Add from Templates

Watch Video

Add new

Times shown are {{user_timezone.value}}

Copy to: 

Copy all Prices

(1) ALL CLASSES - ONE CLASS - Wed 5 Nov 11:00am - Entry Price - £500 (SOLD OUT) (OUT OF DATE)

Start Date: {{availability_start_date}}, End Date: {{availability_end_date}}, Today: {{today_start.datetime}}



10 sold


10/12 sold

Accommodation restricted (10/12)

Available: 1 Jan - 3rd Feb

Pay by instalments

Pay on the door

Office mode only

Deposit disabled

Deposit 50%

Deposit add £50

Final payment XX days before

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Titles

Use a short name and date reference e.g. "Retreat - 2024" or "Taster - May 2024". Appears in the listing on the left.

The title of this activity that you will use internally to your business. This is the name that appears as you work with the app, but is not seen by clients. It is best to also include reference to the timing of the activity such as March 2024 or Autumn 2023. An example might be 'Yoga Retreat - Summer 2024'

For a series of classes, use singlar words like 'class' rather than 'classes' e.g. 'Kundalini Yoga Class'