Manage activities, which can be workshops, classes or events.

Manage Locations, which define the details of where you run your activities.

Manage a set of your standard prices as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.

Manage the set of standard messages which are automatically copied to each activity you create.

Manage a set of your standard questions as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.

Manage a set of your standard resource types as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.

Activities Found (10)


Templates & Defaults


Yoga Retreat 2023
Main Options



1. Titles

2. Description

3. Dates

4. Settings

4b. Custom Form

5. Ticket Prices


6. Questions


ShowHide Extra Prices


6a. Prices:


This Extra Prices With a verylongname

7a. Place Booked

7b. Event Reminder

7b. Payment Received

7c. Payment Due

8. Test Booking Form

9. Live Booking Form

Activity Tags (optional)





Place Booked

Payment Received

Payment Due

Payment Reminder

Payment Overdue

Payment Received

Joining Instructions


Just Before


Just After


Custom Emails:



Custom X


Other Emails:

Invoice Copy

Waiting List Added

Waiting List Place

{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{view_message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}}

Email Title

Email Content

Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

Message Shortcodes


Sender (values from Settings - Brand/Business)

[From First Name]

[From Last Name]

[From Email]

[Business Name]

[Business Address]

[Contact Details]

[Brand Name]


[First Name]


[Last Name]


[Full Name]

John Smith



[Mobile Phone]

123 456 789

[Other Phone]

789 567 123

[Contact Address]

43 High Street, Anytown, XZ8 7AA


Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list



e.g. Yoga Retreat


e.g. Yoga Retreat

[Activity Prefix]


[Clients Buy]


[Location Area]

e.g. Salisbury, England

[Location Name]

e.g. Waterworks Barn

[Location Description]

e.g. Waterworks Barn is in a beautiful countryside setting close to...

[Start Date]

e.g. 24th January

[Start Date Year]

e.g. 24th January 2022

[Start Day]

e.g. Monday

[When Activity Is]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[On Activity Date]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[On Event Date]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[Booking click here]

[Booking Click here]

[Booking CLICK HERE]


[Invoice Description]

e.g. Attendance at our "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith

[Invoice Details]

[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]

[Price Description]

e.g Early Bird Price

[Payment Methods]

[Invoice Address]

[Invoice Number]

[Invoice Amount]

e.g. £100.00

[Amount Outstanding]

e.g. £50.00

[Invoice Click here]

[Invoice click here]

[Invoice CLICK HERE]

[Payment Due Amount]

e.g. £50.00

[Payment Due Date]

e.g. 28 February

[Payment Click here]

[Payment click here]

[Payment CLICK HERE]


[Payment Amount]

e.g. £100.00

[Payment Date]

e.g. 28 February 2020

[Payment Method]

e.g. Card Payment

[Payment Number]

e.g. 1234

[Payment For]

e.g. Attendance at "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith

[Paid By]

e.g. John Smith (Johnny)

[Invoice Details]

[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]


[Accommodation Response]

e.g. Double Room

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Prices
Price Templates

Add from Templates

Watch Video

Add new

Times shown are {{user_timezone.value}}

Copy to: 

Copy all Prices

(1) ALL CLASSES - ONE CLASS - Wed 5 Nov 11:00am - Entry Price - £500 (SOLD OUT) (OUT OF DATE)

Start Date: {{availability_start_date}}, End Date: {{availability_end_date}}, Today: {{today_start.datetime}}



10 sold


10/12 sold

Accommodation restricted (10/12)

Available: 1 Jan - 3rd Feb

Pay by instalments

Pay on the door

Office mode only

Deposit disabled

Deposit 50%

Deposit add £50

Final payment XX days before

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Titles

Use a short name and date reference e.g. "Retreat - 2024" or "Taster - May 2024". Appears in the listing on the left.

The title of this activity that you will use internally to your business. This is the name that appears as you work with the app, but is not seen by clients. It is best to also include reference to the timing of the activity such as March 2024 or Autumn 2023. An example might be 'Yoga Retreat - Summer 2024'

For a series of classes, use singlar words like 'class' rather than 'classes' e.g. 'Kundalini Yoga Class'

Enter the way you want the activity to be described in your card processor's payments listing.

If necessary, choose a word like "our" so this makes sense: 

You are booked on {{i_activity_pronoun.value}} {{i_activity_title_external.value}}

When Workshop Angel constructs sentences using the name of your activity, it sometimes makes more gramatical sense for there to be a word like 'our' placed before the activity name.
For example, a activity name can end in a word that describes what kind of activity it is, like 'Yoga Retreat' or 'Dance Workshop'. In this case, it is gramatically correct to say 'you are booking on our Yoga Retreat', rather than 'you are booked on Yoga Retreat'. Here you would set the value of this Prefix field to be 'our'.
Other actvity names may not end with the kind of activity, such as 'Yoga for Couples'. In this case, it reads better to say you 'you are booked on Yoga for Couples',and you should set the value of this Prefix field to be blank.

Edit locations

Select the location where this activity will be held. Locations can be defined and modified using the "Edit Locations" link just above.

Clear field

Add image

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Descriptions

Best to use up to 80 characters

Best to use up to 80 characters (currently {{f_activity_description.i_activity_short_description.value.length()}})

If you change this description or the image, Click Here then click on [Scrape Again] to update your social media links to the booking form.

Add a short description of your activity (up to around 150 characters) which will be used when the link to your booking form is shared on social media platforms such as Facebook or Whatsapp.
You may want to include details of when the activity is, as this information will not appear in any other areas of the way the link is shared.
If you modify this text or the activity image and it is not appearing when you share the booking form you can click here and enter the url of your booking form to have facebook go and find your new information.

Choose image

Paste content from other sources without formatting.

On Windows use "Paste as plain text" (Ctrl+Shift+v)

On a Mac select "Paste and Match Formatting" (Command+Option+Shift+v)

Use the [Picture] icon to insert an image by specifying a URL (address) of the image on the internet.

Use [Choose Image] to upload your image to Workshop Angel and copy the URL

Or... find the image on your web site or social media, right click over it and choose [Copy Image Address]

Once inserted, click on the image and set "25%" and "Float Left" for it to appear alongside text.

(Use a Header 2 or Header 3 after the text to always start a new section clear of the image.)

Emojis can be copied and pasted into the description.

Enter a description of your activity which will appear on the booking form your clients see.

You can insert images using the image icon and the image url from the Choose Image window.   An image will by default have its width set to fill the size of the text area available. Note that this may be different on the booking form to how you see it here, and will also be different when the booking form is viewed on different devices such as a computer screen or a mobile phone.

You can click on the image to change some of the display options. The 50% and 25% options will make the image occupy either a half or a quarter of the available width for the  activity description. The float left and right options are useful when using the 50% or 25% width settings, and will cause the text to be displayed next to the image. rather than below it. Check that this all looks okay on the booking form when your browser is set to fill your computer screen, and when it is as narrow as possible to simulate a mobile phone display.

Images are displayed with slightly rounded corners and a gentle shadow .

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Dates

Clients book

You are defining a SERIES OF IDENTICAL CLASSES, for example a series of weekly yoga classes.
In Step 5 - Ticket Prices, create an entry price for each date and time a class runs, and optionally create a price which allow attendance to all the classes.

For example a single event, workshop, multi-event training course, retreat, or festival.

For an event (or a number of events) for which there is a single payment made, select 'for this whole activity'.

For a series of classes like a weekly yoga class, choose 'for separate class dates', and add an entry price in Step 5 for each of the dates/times the class will run.
For a series of classes you can have two different entry prices for each class, by creating entry prices with the same date/time but different descriptions and price amounts. You can also define a single price which allows entry to all of the classes in the series.


Insert dates

Insert date/times

Words to describe activity's dates, which are displayed on the booking form and in emails.

Use one of the insert options above to create and then edit the words from the start/end date fields, or type your own sentence starting with "on" or "over" or "from".

For example "over 3 weekends in May and June 2025" or "on 1st, 8th and 15th February 10-11am".

Words to describe the date range of the classes, which are displayed on the booking form and in emails to anyone who buys a pass for the whole class series. Start the phrase with a word such as 'during' or 'running'.

For example "during January and February 2025" or "running monthly through to Christmas 2024".

Set this option to cancel the event and have the booking form show the message you enter in the field below.

Write a message about why the event has been cancelled and any further steps your clients can take, and this will be displayed on the booking form.

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Settings

Set 'Off' if you want to mark this activity as not yet complete and hide the live booking form link.

The default way that the booking form works is to require each attendee to enter their email address and answer the list of questions.
If you are selling tickets to an event, you may want to capture just the contact details of the lead attendee and allow them to select a number of tickets they wish to purchase for other un-named attendees. Set this option 'on' if this is how you want the booking form to appear.

Maximum number of attendees:

When you have this number of bookings, clients will have the opportunity to be place on a waiting list.

Clients buy a

Depending on the types of event you are offering, you may refer to your clients buying a 'place' (for example on a workshop or a retreat), or buying a 'ticket' (for example for a festival or a dance). Using this option will change the terminology used within the app here, and on your client's booking form.

When 'on', only the lead attendee's contact details and question responses are requested by the booking form.

The default way that the booking form works is to require each attendee to enter their email address and answer the list of questions.
If you are selling tickets to an event, you may want to capture just the contact details of the lead attendee and allow them to select a number of tickets they wish to purchase for other un-named attendees. Set this option 'on' if this is how you want the booking form to appear.

Payment when client books is:

The deposit amount is:


The deposit amount is:

% of the final amount due

Final payment due

days before start date

Final payment date is {{activity.data.activity_event.start_date.addDays((0-i_activity_final_payment_days_before.value)).formatDate2('Do MMMM YYYY')}}.

Payment by deposit is enabled until {{activity.data.activity_event.start_date.addDays((0-7-i_activity_final_payment_days_before.value)).formatDate2('Do MMMM YYYY')}}.

The number of days before the activity start date when the final payment is due.
The final payment date is written into each booking record. Changing the value here will not change the final payment date of existing bookings - it will only change the date of new ones. To change the final payment date of existing bookings, go to the Bookings - Payments view, click on [... More] and use the Scheduled Payments tab to change the date(s) due.

Allow two or more equal monthly payments of the outstanding amount.

This is enabled until {{activity.data.activity_event.start_date.addDays((0-45-activity.data.activity_details.final_instalment_days_before_event)).formatDate2('Do MMMM YYYY')}}.

Payments will be due on {{activity.data.activity_event.start_date.addDays((0-activity.data.activity_details.final_instalment_days_before_event)).formatDate2('Do')}} day of each month.

Final instalment date will be {{activity.data.activity_event.start_date.addDays((0-activity.data.activity_details.final_instalment_days_before_event)).formatDate2('Do MMMM YYYY')}}.

Further options are available in the [Instalments] tab above if necessary.

Specific payment dates have been set up in the [Instalments] tab above.

Do not allow a deposit and just one final payment.

If an attendee chooses to pay just a deposit when they book, don't offer the possibility to just make one final payment a short time before the event begins - instead, only offer the option to make the subsequent payments by instalments.

Pay by instalments surcharge: {{this_activity_currency_symbol.value}}

(Rather than letting the system calculate them for you.)

Your clients can use this pay by instalments option until {{rg_activity_instalments[0].i_activity_instalment_payment_date.value.addDays((0-15)).formatDate2('Do MMMM YYYY')}}.

Final instalment due

days before start date

Final instalment date will be {{activity.data.activity_event.start_date.addDays((0-i_activity_final_instalment_days_before_event.value)).formatDate2('Do MMMM YYYY')}}.

Set the number of days before the activity start date when the final payment is due.
This value defaults to the "Final payment due" value set on the Main Options tab. If you set the value separately here, then when an attendee selects to pay by instalments then the final payment due date will be that shown here, but when they select just to pay a single further payment, it will  be the date shown on the Main Options tab.
If your activity actually runs over multiple sessions throughout a longer period of time (e.g. one weekend a month for 6 months), then you can allow the final payment date to be after the date of the first session by setting this to be a negative number of days.

Monthly Instalments

Add instalment

Create a list of the monthly payments allowed when your client selects to pay by instalments.
Ensure the percentages add up to 100% (or 99% and the system will round it up  for you)

Use [+Add Instalment] to add instalment dates and amounts





Do you really want to delete this instalment?

Ensure the percentages add up to 99 or 100%!

{{instalments.data.instalments.where(`price`, 0, "==").sum(`percentage`)}}

Payment Currency:

Sales tax rate:  %

Manage the CustomisationCustomization options in Step 4b. Custom Form

When set, this creates a step 4b which allows aspects of the booking form style to be customisedcustomized...

Setting this option allows attendees who are added to the booking form after the lead attendee to have the option to book without entering their email address. This is useful if these additional attendees are children who do not have an email address to enter.

Set this if your event has separately bookable modules. Define the different modules using different price tags, and attach the price tags to different prices for specific modules.

Prices are for each:



Minimum and maximum number of attendees who are allowed to book in one booking. A single booking will have one contact responsible for payment. Emails about the activity will be sent to all attendees on a booking who have specified their email address. If you are running a couples workshop, then both of these values should be set to two. The maximum number of attendees per booking is ten.

An email about a new booking will be sent to these addresses (whether the "Send me new booking emails" option is on or off).
Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.

If you have set the "Send me new booking emails" option on then you do not need to include your own email address here.




Show help

Add Discount Code

{{current_datetime.datetime}}, {{is_active_local_time.value}}


1 Feb 2020 - 1 Apr 2020

Active at all times

Inactive at all times

Set {{update_question_topic_text}} = {{update_question_value}}

Affiliate {{affiliate_full_name}}

Only for {{contact_only_for_full_name}}







Yoga Retreat 2023 - Custom Form

Setting this option hides the title block on the booking form which normally contains your brand, the event title and the dates.

Setting this adds a reminder with the Mobile Phone field for attendees to include a country code with their phone number.

Yoga Retreat 2023 - Questions
Question Templates

Add from Templates

Watch Video

Add new

(1)Mailing Permission

Would you like to join our mailing list?

 Comment box



 Only ask if

 Show quantities

All Activities



Yoga Retreat 2023 - Activity Tags

Edit options

Edit options

Edit options

Business and Brand Settings

Email: {{message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}} ({{apptext.value.520}})

Sent to each attendee at the time of booking to confirm their place.

Sent each time a payment is received which is part of a booking which was made with a deposit payment.

Automatically sent out when someone books and chooses to pay by an non-card based method.

Automatically sent out when an instalment or final payment becomes due.

Automatically sent out when an instalment or final payment is overdue.

Optionally send this with the full details needed for attending the event.

Optionally send this a few days before the event starts.

Optionally send this a few days after the event finishes.

Automatically sent just before each event to remind them to come along.

Select this option to paste in the HTML of an email you have created in a third party product such as Bee Free or Bee Pro.


13 hours

(To send after the start date/time, make this number negative!)

Reference to this email that appears here in the app.

Change email body HTML





Paste content from other sources without formatting.
On Windows use "Paste as plain text" (Ctrl+Shift+v)
On Mac use "Paste and Match Formatting" (Command+Option+Shift+v)

Email Title

Email Content

Some aspects of viewing the populated message may not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

Test Your Booking Form!

Visit your TEST booking form to see how it looks
and add some test attendees.

Add any name and random email address
as the emails will be created but not sent.

You will be given a test credit card number to use.

Go to the Bookings area of Workshop Angel and
click [Refresh] to view your bookings...

Make sure you are set to view Test Mode bookings
in the top right hand corner of the display.

Going Live

Entering Your Bank Details

You have selected to offer payment by bank account... you now need to enter your bank account details below.
(To edit them in the future, go to Settings - Business Settings).

Testing a Live Payment

Now you have entered your Stripe keys, you need to test they work before putting your activity live.

Click below to make your first live booking, onto an activity called Stripe Test.
Use your your own payment card - it will only cost {{activity.data.business.accounting_currency_symbol}}1.

Make live booking

Check payment was registered

Setting Up Card Payments Through Stripe

You have selected the business {{activity.data.business.business_name}} for this activity and the Stripe keys for this business have not been set up.
If you want to select a different business for this activity, do this in the [4. Settings] area.

Before you can go live, you need to link Workshop Angel to a Stripe account so you can take credit card payments.

Creating a Stripe Account

If you don't have a Stripe account for your business, click here to create one.

Once created, follow the instructions to "authenticate" your account.

Make sure you use a complex password and we recommend also setting up two-factor authentication.

This account will contain your money and you don't want it being hacked!

(If you work with different currencies, you should set up the Stripe account in the same "accounting" currency as you have set on the Settings - Business screen in Workshop Angel, which is currently set to {{activity.data.business.accounting_currency_description}}.)

Linking to Stripe

You need to generate 4 different "keys" in Stripe: each is a series of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies your Stripe account.

Like Workshop Angel, Stripe works in Test and Live modes.

There is a "Publishable key" and a "Restricted Key" for each mode.

Navigating to the "API Keys" Area of Stripe

In Stripe, go to the Developers - API Keys area:

Adding The Test Publishable Key

In Stripe:

Set "Viewing test data" ON.

Click on the Publishable Key text beginning "pk_test_"

This copies the key to your clipboard.

Here in Workshop Angel:

Click on the [Change] button in the box below

Edit - Paste the key into the field

Click on [Save]

The start and the end of the key will be shown to indicate it has been saved.






Adding The Live Publishable Key

In Stripe:

Set "Viewing test data" OFF

Click on the Publishable Key text beginning "pk_live_".

This will copy the key to your clipboard.

Here in Workshop Angel:

Click on the [Change] button in the box below

Edit - Paste the key into the field

Click on [Save]

The start and the end of the key will be shown to indicate it has been saved.






Adding The Test Restricted Key

In Stripe:

Set "Viewing test data" ON

Click on [+Create restricted key]

Enter a key name "Workshop Angel"

Change the "Permissions" for the following "Resource Types":

Balance: Read
Charges: Write
Payment Intents: Write
Setup Intents: Write

Scroll to the bottom and click on [Create Key]

A restricted key is listed called "Workshop Angel".

Click on [Reveal test key]

Click on the text starting "rk_test_" to copy it to your clipboard.

Here in Workshop Angel:

Click on the [Change] button below

Edit - Paste the key into the field

Click on [Save]

The start and the end of the key will be shown to indicate it has been saved.






Adding The Live Restricted Key

In Stripe:

Set "Viewing test data" OFF

Click on [+Create restricted key]

Enter a key name "Workshop Angel"

Change the "Permissions" for the following "Resource Types":

Balance: Read
Charges: Write
Payment Intents: Write
Setup Intents: Write

Scroll to the bottom and click on [Create Key]

A window appears called "Your new API key".

Click on the text starting "rk_live_" to copy it to your clipboard.

Click on [Done]

(Note that this is the only time you can see this key... if you don't complete the following edit paste successfully you will need to create another key with a different name)

Here in Workshop Angel:

Click on the [Change] button below

Edit - Paste the key into the field

Click on [Save]

The start and the end of the key will be shown to indicate it has been saved.






CONGRATULATIONS... Stripe Keys Added!

You've added all the Stripe keys now.

CLICK HERE to hide all the information about how to do this.

Email Address Confirmation

Before you can go live, you need to confirm your email address {{activity.data.brand.email_from}} to our email sending service.

You should have received an email from "Postmark Support" like this:

Find this email and click on the [Confirm Sender Signature] button.

Send the email again

Check It is now confirmed

(You can change the address that emails are sent from in Settings - Brand Settings)

CLICK HERE to send the email again!

CLICK HERE to send the email again!

Let's go!

Tested your booking form and it looks good?

You're ready to go live!

Click below to copy the live booking form link and
add it to your website and social media...

Copy LIVE Booking Form link

Switch to Live Mode in the top right hand corner
to see your live bookings.

You could also visit the live booking form...

You will find it is the same as the
test form you have worked with...

but takes live credit card payments and sends real emails!

{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{view_message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}}

Email Title

Email Content

Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

Select an Activity:

activity Search
{{apptext.value.2010}} ({{i_booking_search_show_deleted.checked?search_activities.data.search_activities.count():search_activities.data.search_activities.where(`is_deleted`, 0, "==").where(`end_date_app`, current_datetime.datetime, ">").count()}})

Activity name (Deleted)

Thu 2 Aug (11:00am)

Finances - Retreat 2024 (on this date) (All Dates)
Bookings (22, €10,000)

#999 - 1 Jan 2020 - first_name last_name (£99.99)  (Cancelled)  (CREDIT NOTE)

£100 overdue (22)

(+ John Smith)

Invoice Description

Invoice notes

Activity XYZ

Self Employed -

Payments (1, €100.00, €40 credit)

#999 - 1 Jan 2020 - first_name last_name (£99.99) (-£99.99 REFUND)  (Deleted)

This payment contains a credit of £XXX.YY


Activity XYZ

Self Employed -

There are no bookings for This Activity (These Dates) in test mode

Please select an activity from the list on the left of the screen

Attendees - Retreat 2024 (on this date) (All Dates)

Attendees: 7/10

Waiting List: 2



Your Notes

Arrival List Notes

{{attendee_name}} (+2)

There are no bookings for This Activity (These Dates) in test mode

Please select an activity from the list on the left of the screen

Lists - Retreat 2024 (on this date) (All Dates)

Note you are responsible for following all GDPR or other local legislation about storage and use of downloaded data.

Printable Attendee Lists

Printable Response Lists

Spreadsheet Output

Choose Responses

Select the responses to appear in the attendee lists...

Item selected

Choose Responses

Select the responses to appear in the response list...

Item selected

Choose Responses

Select the responses to appear in the response spreadsheets...

Item selected

Arrival List 1

Attendees only

Name, Email, Mobile Phone, Arrival Notes

View List

Response List 1

Price / Ticket Types

Price Names. Attendees Per Name

Price Type. Attendees Per Type

Price Category, Attendees Per Category

View List


name,  when booked, price_name, price_type, email, mobile_phone, arrival_notes

Download spreadsheet (CSV)

Arrival List 2

Attendees and responses

Name, Email, Mobile Phone, Responses, Response Comments, Arrival Notes

View List

Response List 2

Selected responses

Question Topic, Responses, Response Totals, Attendee Names Per Response

View List

Just Responses

name,  when_booked,  price_name, price_type, price_category, email, mobile_phone,  arrival_notes, response, response_quantity

Download spreadsheet (CSV)

Response List 3

Responses by Price Tag

Entry Prices

Price Extras

View List

Full Response Data

name, when_booked, price_name, price_type, price_category, email, mobile_phone, arrival_notes, response, response_quantity, response_comment, response_notes

Download spreadsheet (CSV)

There are no bookings for This Activity (These Dates) in test mode

Please select an activity from the list on the left of the screen

Attendee Messages - Retreat 2024 (on this date) (All Dates)

Select a message:



Delivery Status

All Messages

Message Topic

All Attendees (34)


John Smith

Place Booked

All Sent {{amount_unsent.value}} Unsent

 - {{amount_errors.value}} Errors

Send Unsent Sending...

Errors ({{amount_errors.value}})

Error - John Smith - john@smith.com (Error, mailbox is full)

Send Again


Unsent ({{amount_unsent.value}}) -

Fred Bloggs

Delivered ({{amount_delivered.value}}) -

Fred Bloggs

Created ({{amount_sent.value}}) -

Fred Bloggs

Sent, not yet delivered ({{amount_undelivered.value}}) -

Fred Bloggs

There are no attendee_messages for this message_template in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

There are no attendee_messages for this attendee in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

There are no attendee_messages for this activity in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

There are no bookings for This Activity (These Dates) in test mode

Please select an activity from the list on the left of the screen

Responses - Retreat 2024 (on this date) (All Dates)

Select a question:



Responses - This topic - Attendee Name

All Questions

Question Topic

All Attendees

John Smith

There are no responses for this question in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

There are no responses for this attendee in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

There are no responses for this activity in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

Response A



MC Listing

index: {{$index}}

Response A



This topic - Attendee Name

My response bla bla...

5 January 1999 (61)

Here are some comments about it...

Here are some notes about it...

This topic - Attendee Name

My response bla bla...

Here are some comments about it...

Here are some notes about it...

There are no questions for this activity.

There are no bookings for This Activity (These Dates) in test mode

Please select an activity from the list on the left of the screen

Waiting List - Retreat 2024 (on this date) (All Dates)

Attendees: 7/10

Waiting List: 2

Send "Place Available" Message

{{first_name}} {{last_name}} - {{mobile_phone}}

01234 567 890

1 Jan




There is no one on the waiting list for This Activity (These Dates) in test mode

Please select an activity from the list on the left of the screen

{{apptext.value.724}} - {{search_activities.data.search_activities.where('id', this_activity.value, "==")[0].title_internal}}

Place Booked
Joining Instructions
Just Before
Just After

Fred Bloggs







There are no bookings for {{search_activities.data.search_activities.where('id', this_activity.value, "==")[0].title_internal}} in {{in_test_mode.value==1?'test':'live'}} mode

{{apptext.value.759}} - {{search_activities.data.search_activities.where('id', this_activity.value, "==")[0].title_internal}}

Activity X (1 Jan 10:00am) (ALL DATES) Report

Please select an activity from the list on the left...Loading your report....





Percentage full




Starts in

3 weeks

3 days

the past

Start date

31 Dec 2023


5 days

Entry prices chosen:


Entry Price

20 (66%)

Discount codes used:

* since 1 Apr 2024


2 (12%)

Affiliate payments:

£500.00 (€422.22)

Alfie Affiliate

£500.00 (£422.22)

Price Questions:



Bookings & Payments ():


* Booking value ()


Payments received ()


Payments overdue ()


* Excluding refund admin fees


Bookings & Payments (£):


* Booking value (£)


Payments received (£)


Payments overdue (£)


Fees & Takings:


(A) Payments made (£)


(B) Stripe fees (£)


(C) WA fees (£)


Takings (A-B-C) (£)


Takings ()


Costs & Profit:


Affiliate Fees (£)


Profit (Takings - Costs) ()


Profit (Takings - Costs) (£)


Share By

- %


- %


Contact name

- %


Bookings by Group (€):


Entry + Non Grouped (€)


Group 1 (€)


Bookings By Group (£):


Entry / Non Grouped (£)


Group 1 (£)


* Amounts exclude refund admin fees








Discount Code










24 attendees







Contact Search

{{apptext.value.103}} ({{search_contacts.data.contacts.unique().count()}})

{{full_name}} ({{apptext.value.520}})


{{contact.data.contact.first_name}} {{contact.data.contact.last_name}} ({{apptext.value.520}})

Enter NONE@NONE.COM to prevent this contact from being sent any emails e.g. for a child.

Edit options

Edit options

Edit options

Edit options

Age 62

The contact's date of birth

Invoices ({{search_invoices.data.total_invoices}})
There are no invoices for {{contact.data.contact.first_name}}.
There are no invoices or payments for {{contact.data.contact.first_name}}.
£1,000 invoiced
£100 unpaid
All invoices paid

#999 - 1 Jan 2020 - first_name last_name (£99.99)  (Cancelled)  (CREDIT NOTE)

£100 overdue (22)

(+ John Smith)

Invoice Description

Invoice notes

Activity XYZ

Self Employed -

Payments ({{search_payments.data.total_payments}})
There are no payments for {{contact.data.contact.first_name}}.
£1,000 paid
£100 credit

#999 - 1 Jan 2020 - first_name last_name (£99.99) (-£99.99 REFUND)  (Deleted)

This payment contains a credit of £XXX.YY


Activity XYZ

Self Employed -

Activities Attended

{{contact.data.contact.first_name}} has not attended any activities.

Book onto:

Book Add Existing
Yoga Retreat 2022


(from 5-11th July 2022)

lots of lovely notes about the contact

This topic

My response bla bla...

5 January 1999 (61)

Here are some notes about it...

Here are some comments about it...

This topic

My response bla bla...

Here are some notes about it...

Here are some comments about it...

Mailing Subscriptions
Brand: {{brand_name_internal}} ({{subscribed.value}})


Add Subscription

Was subscribed 1 Jan 2022 - 25 Dec 2022




Please choose a valid payment date.

Please choose a valid payment method.

This contact does not exist yet.
Please press [Save] on the Details tab first!

Contact Attendance

Contact List ({{all_contacts.data.where(`is_selected`, 1, "==").count()}})

{{full_name}} - {{email}}


Book Keeping

Synchronize - {{business_name}}

Synchronize your latest payments made in Workshop Angel with your book keeping software

Settings - {{business_name}}

Manage settings for working with your book keeping software

Bank Accounts - {{business_name}}

Assign bank accounts from your book keeping software to your Workshop Angel payment methods


Modify category/label values for a specific activity, along with the date to use for the activity from a book-keeping and your own reporting perspective.



Invoices Found (22, £10,000)

#999 - 1 Jan 2020 - first_name last_name (£99.99)  (Cancelled)  (CREDIT NOTE)

£100 overdue (22)

(+ John Smith)

Invoice Description

Invoice notes

Activity XYZ

Self Employed -

Payments overdue (22, £10,000)

1st Feb (-5) - Fred Bloggs - £99.99

Invoice Description

Activity XYZ

All Activity Discount Codes

These discount codes will be valid for ALL activities you offer.

{{current_datetime.datetime}}, {{is_active_local_time.value}}


1 Feb 2020 - 1 Apr 2020

Active at all times

Inactive at all times

Set {{update_question_topic_text}} = {{update_question_value}}

Affiliate {{affiliate_full_name}}

Only for {{contact_only_for_full_name}}







Credits Left

Expenses Left

Accounts Left

Sales Tax Left


An Activity

Value: {{i_search_name_bk_activity.value}}

Activity name

Thu 2 Aug (11:00am)

Your Business

Business / Brand Report

Business / Brand Report

Activity X (1 Jan 10:00am) Report

Please select an activity from the list on the left...Loading your report....





Percentage full




Starts in

3 weeks

3 days

the past

Start date

31 Dec 2023


5 days

Entry prices chosen:


Entry Price

20 (66%)

Discount codes used:

* since 1 Apr 2024


2 (12%)

Affiliate payments:

£500.00 (€422.22)

Alfie Affiliate

£500.00 (£422.22)

Price Questions:



Bookings & Payments ():


* Booking value ()


Payments received ()


Payments overdue ()


* Excluding refund admin fees


Bookings & Payments (£):


* Booking value (£)


Payments received (£)


Payments overdue (£)


Fees & Takings:


(A) Payments made (£)


(B) Stripe fees (£)


(C) WA fees (£)


Takings (A-B-C) (£)


Takings ()


Costs & Profit:


Affiliate Fees (£)


Profit (Takings - Costs) ()


Profit (Takings - Costs) (£)


Share By

- %


- %


Contact name

- %


Bookings by Group (€):


Entry + Non Grouped (€)


Group 1 (€)


Bookings By Group (£):


Entry / Non Grouped (£)


Group 1 (£)


* Amounts exclude refund admin fees








Discount Code










24 attendees







Payments Found (1, £100.00, £40 credit)

#999 - 1 Jan 2020 - first_name last_name (£99.99) (-£99.99 REFUND)  (Deleted)

This payment contains a credit of £XXX.YY


Activity XYZ

Self Employed -

Activity Categorisation

Value: {{i_search_name_activity.value}}

Activities Found (10)

Spanish Retreat with a very very long title 2024 - from 23-25th April 2023


23 Aug 2024

23 Aug 2024

Synchronize - Business X

Click the button below to login to Workshop Angel via your book keeping software.

You have XX payments which are not synchronized.payment which is not synchronized.

All your payments are synchronized!

You have not yet recorded any payments in TEST mode

You have not assigned a business from your book keeping software to your Workshop Angel business. Please go to the Book Keeping - Settings area to assign this.

You do not have a default account code set up. Please go to the Book Keeping - Settings area to assign this.

You do not have a bank account assigned to the payment method used for some of your payments. Please go to the Book Keeping - Bank Accounts area to rectify this.

Click the button below to login to Workshop Angel via your book keeping software.
You can then synchronize payments.

You are in TEST MODE!
Switch to live mode to synchronize

You are logged in to your book keeping software for another {{bk_logout_in.value}} minutes.

Payments to Synchronize:

#11 - 14 Apr 2023 - Fred Bloggs (£100) - £42.00 CREDIT - REFUND

Card Payment - Biodanza Festival

Credit Changes to Synchronize:

#11 - 14 Apr 2023 - Fred Bloggs (£100) - change of £20 credit

Card Payment - Biodanza Festival

Xero Window Login

Get Token

Get Businesses

Get Setup

Get Invoices

Get Invoice Items

Get Payments

Get Contacts

Get Contact

Create Payment

Settings - Business X

Select the booking keeping software you use for this business

Select which Xero Tenant (business) is used to record the book keeping for this Workshop Angel business.

Choose the default accounting code that will be used for recording payments in your book keeping system. This can be overriden on an activity by activity basis.

Choose the accounting code that will be used for recording credits in your book keeping system. This will need to be a Current Liability type of account in your book keeping system, which has been enabled for payments.

Select the category/label from your book keeping software that you would like to use to categorize/label your individual payments. Select a default value for that category/label to have. This value can be overridden on an activity by activity basis.



Click the button below to login to Workshop Angel via your book keeping software.
You can then manage your settings.

Bank Accounts
Business name


Select the Stripe account from your book keeping software which card payments will be paid into.

Select the bank account from your book keeping software which bank transfers will be paid into.

Select the bank account from your book keeping software which bank transfers will be paid into.

Select the bank account from your book keeping software which card machine payments are reconciled with.


Discount Codes Right

Credits Right

Expenses Right

Accounts Right

Sales Tax Right

Search for sent messages to see their content and sending status.

Search through notifications about the status of messages sent.

Define text that is often the basis of a email you send. You can then just insert it when required!

Manage images and document files you can link to within your email messages.

Search for Images and Attachments
Search for Message Notifications

Clear search fields Above




All Status


Last 2 days

Last 5 days

Last 7 Days


Search for Messages

Clear search fields

Place Booked {{id}} (Yoga Retreat)

(20 Apr 2020 - 10:53am)

Message Text Found


{{message_topic}}  ({{apptext.value.520}})

Message Shortcodes


Sender (values from Settings - Brand/Business)

[From First Name]

[From Last Name]

[From Email]

[Business Name]

[Business Address]

[Contact Details]

[Brand Name]


[First Name]


[Last Name]


[Full Name]

John Smith



[Mobile Phone]

123 456 789

[Other Phone]

789 567 123

[Contact Address]

43 High Street, Anytown, XZ8 7AA


Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list



e.g. Yoga Retreat


e.g. Yoga Retreat

[Activity Prefix]


[Clients Buy]


[Location Area]

e.g. Salisbury, England

[Location Name]

e.g. Waterworks Barn

[Location Description]

e.g. Waterworks Barn is in a beautiful countryside setting close to...

[Start Date]

e.g. 24th January

[Start Date Year]

e.g. 24th January 2022

[Start Day]

e.g. Monday

[When Activity Is]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[On Activity Date]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[On Event Date]

e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022

[Booking click here]

[Booking Click here]

[Booking CLICK HERE]


[Invoice Description]

e.g. Attendance at our "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith

[Invoice Details]

[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]

[Price Description]

e.g Early Bird Price

[Payment Methods]

[Invoice Address]

[Invoice Number]

[Invoice Amount]

e.g. £100.00

[Amount Outstanding]

e.g. £50.00

[Invoice Click here]

[Invoice click here]

[Invoice CLICK HERE]

[Payment Due Amount]

e.g. £50.00

[Payment Due Date]

e.g. 28 February

[Payment Click here]

[Payment click here]

[Payment CLICK HERE]


[Payment Amount]

e.g. £100.00

[Payment Date]

e.g. 28 February 2020

[Payment Method]

e.g. Card Payment

[Payment Number]

e.g. 1234

[Payment For]

e.g. Attendance at "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith

[Paid By]

e.g. John Smith (Johnny)

[Invoice Details]

[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]


[Accommodation Response]

e.g. Double Room

{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{view_message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}}

Email Title

Email Content

Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

Notifications Found

{{notification_message}} - {{notification_date.addSeconds(-server_offset_seconds.value).formatDate('d MMM h:mma')}}

1 Jan 1970 - 12:00pm

Message: {{message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}} ({{apptext.value.520}})

Paste content from other sources without formatting.
On Windows use "Paste as plain text" (Ctrl+Shift+v)
On Mac use "Paste and Match Formatting" (Command+Option+Shift+v)

{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{view_message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}}

Email Title

Email Content

Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{view_message_template.data.message_template.message_topic}}

Email Title

Email Content

Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!

Message Sent






Error (Fixed)

{{status_time.addSeconds(-server_offset_seconds.value).formatDate('d MMM (h:mma)')}}




Error message

Email Subject Here...

Email message here...

Text/SMS message here...

Account Summary Left

Account Payments Left

Affiliates Left

Account Summary Right

Account Payments Right

Affiliates Right


System Settings

Do scary system things!

User Settings

Change your name, the language used in the app, and control how the user interface is displayed for you.

Change Password

Update your password - which we recommend you do on a regular basis.

{{apptext.value.8300}} - {{business_name}}

Add business


Stripe Keys - {{business_name}}

Manage your stripe keys, the text which users are shown during payment, and aspects of the look and feel of the form.

{{apptext.value.8500}} - {{brand_name_internal}}

Add brand


Business: {{business.data.business.business_name}} ({{apptext.value.520}})


Please enter a number or name that Text/SMS messages are sent from.

Set this option on if you wish to remove the Postal Code field from the card payment window. This will make the booking procedure easier for your clients, and brings a low risk of a stolen card being used in a booking. If this happens, you will be able to see the details of this in your Stripe account.

Set this option on to make various options visible which allow you to enter bookings yourself on behalf of your clients.

Select the contact you will assign miscellaneous sales to. Start typing the contact name and choose the correct contact from the list.

Select the activity you will select miscellaneous sales to. Start typing the activity name and choose the correct activity from the list.

Set this option on to be able to set the words which appear on your client's card statements as the name of the business they paid when booking onto your activities.

Enter the words which you would like to appear on your client's credit/debit card statements as the name of the business they paid when booking onto your activities - max 20 characters.

Set this option on to be able allow email content to be created in a product such as Bee Free or Bee Pro and then pasted into Workshop Angel.



Enter the text a user will see when instructed how to pay you by Venmo. Payment methods can be selected on an activity by activity basis. This message can include the shortcode [Invoice Number] which will be replaced with the invoice number of the booking. For invoices created which are independent of an activity, this payment method will be offered if you have text entered in this field.

Enter the text a user will see when instructed how to pay you by Wise. Payment methods can be selected on an activity by activity basis. This message can include the shortcode [Invoice Number] which will be replaced with the invoice number of the booking. For invoices created which are independent of an activity, this payment method will be offered if you have text entered in this field.

Stripe and Paypal keys - {{business.data.business.business_name}}





















Set this option on to allow the entry of keys which will link your Paypal Business account to Workshop Angel.

Set this option to allow your Paypal integration to take payments from an attendee's Paypal account as well as from their credit/debit card.

Card payment provider to use:

Select which provider of card payment services you will use for this business: Stripe or Paypal.

























User Settings


Brand: {{brand.data.brand.brand_name_internal}} ({{apptext.value.520}})


The email address {{brand.data.email_from}} is not registered with our email sending service.

Register Email Address

You are not allowed to register an email address based on a public domain name such as gmail.com. Please choose an email address based on a domain name that you own, or contact us for an alternative solution.

This email is registered with our email service but you need to click on [Confirm this Sender Signature] in an email you will receive from "Postmark Support" before you can send emails.

Re-send Confirmation Email

 This email is registered with our email sending service.

Copy LIVE link

Subscribe client

Workshop Angel has the ability to manage a contact's subscription to your email newsletter list.
There is a small newsletter signup page you can link to your website, and the url to this page can be copied to your clipboard with the [Copy LIVE Link] button, and visited directly by clicking on the [Subscriber Client] button.

Choose image

System Settings

List Postmark's Sender Signatures:

List Senders

Change Password

The passwords entered do not match! :-(

Your password has been updated.


Step 1

Watch a
short video

Get the big picture in 5 minutes!

Step 2

Define your

Step 3

Ask us

Send us text, voice or video on Whatsapp...


Request a free Zoom call if you'd like more help!

Step 4

Publish your
booking form!

Add a link to your Stripe card payment account...

... and put your
booking form live!

Step 5

Help Left

Help Right

Plan and create your social media posts

Manage a list of the different pages and groups you post on for each social media platform.


Social Media Pages and Groups

{{platform_location_text}} ({{apptext.value.520}})

{{location_external}}, in {{location_area}}

Posts found

Post Topic : 5 Nov (5)(deleted)


Edit options

Clear field

Choose image

Post to these pages / groups

id:{{id}}, location:{{location}}, post:{{post}}
post_link:{{social_media_post.data.locations.where(`location`, location, '==')[0].post_link}}, post_date:{{social_media_post.data.locations.where(`location`, location, '==')[0].post_date.toDate()}}

Facebook Business page


Posted: 21st October 2022 (45)

been_posted: {{been_posted}}

To be posted: 23rd October 2022 (2)



$id:{{$id}}, location:{{location}}, post:{{post}}
post_link:{{social_media_post.data.locations.where(`location`, location, '==')[0].post_link}}, post_date:{{social_media_post.data.locations.where(`location`, location, '==')[0].post_date.toDate()}}



Facebook: Business Page ({{apptext.value.520}})

Edit options

Workshop Angel


Please enter a valid email address

This input is required (custom message)

Incorrect password!

This replacement password is now out of date. Please create a new one.

{{app_version.value}} - {{database_version.data.database_version.update_version}}

Forgotten Password

Please enter your email address and we will send you a message with a new password!

If your email address is registered with us, an email has been sent.

Incorrect Email

Email sent

Email couldn't be sent

{{app_version.value}} - {{database_version.data.database_version.update_version}}

Change Password

Please change your password:

The passwords entered do not match! :-(

{{app_version.value}} - {{database_version.data.database_version.update_version}}

Sign up

Please enter a first and last name

Please enter a brand name

Please select a country. If your country isn't listed, select United Kingdom and contact support to have your country included.

Your email is best based on your own domain name if you own one, otherwise use a public domain such as gmail.com.

Your two password entries do not match :-(

Signup failed... please email support@workshop-angel.com for more details

By clicking on [Sign Up], I agree to use Workshop Angel according to our terms and conditions and agree that any data entered will be stored in accordance with our privacy policy.


(Bookmark https://app.workshop-angel.com?s=login for the login page)