Unfortunately it is now past the date we are taking any more bookings for .
/ 2025-01-22T01:52:12
Booking Item (With a Price) Booking Item Count:
Booking Item (With a Price) Price Count:
Booking Item (with a Price) Total Amount:
Booking Item (No Price) Booking Item Count:
Booking Item (No Price) Total Amount:
Complete BookingPayment
Card Payment
Instalment Details
Submit Responses
Complete Add to Waiting List
Invalid Amount
DISCOUNT: Invalid Amount
To pay now:
To pay when you arrive:
DISCOUNT: Invalid Amount
Amount left to pay
Invalid Amount
Payable now:
There is a Invalid Amount surcharge per attendee for this payment method.
You have chosen to pay by monthly instalments
Spread your outstanding payments over a number of months.
There is a Invalid Amount surcharge per attendee for this payment method.
Instalment payments will be automatically taken from your payment card each month.
Instalment payments will requested by email each month.
Please enter your details below to allow these amounts to be taken from your payment card.
By clicking the button above, you agree to our terms and conditions, our privacy policy, and to receive further communication from our organisation by email or text message regarding this activity.
We will send you an email confirming your reservation
and one with information about how to pay.
We look forward to see you at our !
By clicking the button above, you agree to our terms and conditions, our privacy policy, and to receive further communication from our organisation by email or text message regarding this activity.
Card Payment Amount:
STRIPE TEST MODE: Copy and paste this test card number:
Enter any future date for Expiry, any CVC number and
PAYPAL TEST MODE: Copy and paste this test card number:
(Enter any future date for Expiry, and any CVC number)
By clicking the button above, you agree to our terms and conditions, to our privacy policy, and to receive further communication from us, , by email or text message regarding this specific activity. payment.
You also agree your card details will be securely retained for the instalment payments by our card processor Stripe.
Your data will be stored for by the Workshop Angel app according to the Workshop Angel privacy policy.
Internal Error
Unfortunately there has been an internal error and you will not be able to finalise this booking. payment.
We're sorry for the inconvenience :-(
We have been emailed your details and will contact you shortly when the issue is resolved.